Are your students ready for the Ukulympics?

pedagogy corner Jun 07, 2022

Strap on that uke, stretch those muscles, and get ready for this musical challenge of strength, skill, and perseverance: the Ukulympics!

It’s June and that means many teachers are pushing through the final weeks of classes or looking for summer activities to give to students. Or perhaps you’re up for a challenge yourself and want something fun as a guide! We’ve got a great new musical game to share with you this month that will keep your students practising, courtesy of our very own Uketropolis team member, Zsolt Schäfer.

Challenge your students to "run the course" each day!

Here are your instructions: 

  1. Download the PDF here and print on ledger or A3 size poster paper. This is great to hang in your practise area! Colouring is definitely an option, too.
  2. Use the badminton net to write in chords you’d like to practise. Pro tip: if you use two colours, you can fit a chord twin in each one!
  3. Write down seven songs to practise: one for each day of the week.
  4. A piece has no lyrics? Sing solfège!
  5. Do each exercise for a minute. Note that you may play the song to the end if it’s longer.
  6. You can do as many laps each day as you’d like.
  7. Can you make it a team challenge with your classroom students? Competition! (Stickers make great rewards)

On your mark, get set, go!


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