Asssessment Tools

Track your progress.

Recording is "the Musician's Mirror"

Record yourself with whatever you have on-hand: your phone or an old-fashioned tape player, it doesn't matter! Then listen back and use the Smiley Scale or the Matrix to evaluate your performance. Be kind. Be constructive. Rome wasn't built in a day!

The Smiley Scale

Informally assess your performance with this fun, intuitive assessment worksheet.  You decide which "smiley" to assign each of the five key aspects of your performance (melody, harmony, rhythm, tone and expression).  Keep completed worksheets in a folder and watch your playing progress from :( to :)!


The Matrix

Assess five key aspects of your performance (melody, harmony, rhythm, tone and expression).  Rate each on a four-point scale to identify areas of strength and weakness and to determine whether you're ready to move on to the next piece of repertoire.


Practise Log

Track your practise with this printer-friendly Personal Practise Log.  Use one sheet per month. Simply tick the boxes to indicate which skills you work on in a practise session.  Watch for patterns over time.  For example, if you're always omitting the same skill then adjust your practise accordingly.


Online Masterclass

Share your performances in the community and get feedback from ukulele players around the world, 24/7. Check it out here.

Let's go!

50% Complete

Two Step

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